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"We're completing one of the biggest acquisition sprees in the history of the construction industry. Can you create a brand as big as this moment? "




Hanson, the largest brick manufacturer in the US, was built by the acquisition of over 17 different smaller brick companies over the course of 24 months. As a newly landed, England-based company, they began with little brand awareness in the US.



1. Build cohesion and unity of vision in the corporate culture: from the C-level to the factory floor.
2. Relaunch the Hanson US Brand.



• Led vision sessions with all C-Level stakeholders.
• Visited key production plants interviewing factory workers.
• Created “Building on the Best” cultural communications portfolio that included: films, posters, and brand affinity program
• Developed “Brick as a Fashion Statement” brand positioning and strategy.
• Produced a brand assets portfolio aimed at consumers and trade including:


Brand Films
Print Ads
Web Banners
Collateral Materials
Guerilla marketing



• A unified vision, purpose, and enthusiasm among employees
• Brand awareness leapt from 7% to 23% in only 18 months.
• Inventory sell-out, with a 6-month wait for new orders, leading to 10% increase in product pricing

• + 25% free print media upgrades: from inside
pages to inside and back covers.

• Brand campaign featured in 3 university level textbooks re: how to differentiate a commoditized product.

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